Mom Life

Welcome to #MomLife

Before I started my actual motherhood journey — You know, when the baby is actually out of your body. Not when you’re snapping weekly selfies of your swollen feet and puffy face gorgeous pregnancy glow and growing belly. — I thought I had this mom thing all figured out. I had lofty dreams of natural water birth, cloth diapers, and exclusively breastfeeding; just to name a few. A real Pinterest-worthy mom. Hah.

Welcome to mom life; where nothing ever really goes to plan. And yet, it is still so worth every ounce of spit up and moment of doubt and changed plan.


I am Mommy. A Florida born, North Carolina raised, geek and lover of animals, books, coffee, God, my husband, and my daughter. Not in that order. I am currently twenty-seven years young and coming to terms with this real world crap. Hello, mortgage payments, full-time work weeks, and trash cans overflowing with diapers. But I wouldn’t change it for the world. Unless we’re talking about paying fewer bills. I’m down for that.

Mini is a sassy, co-sleeping almost nine-month-old. Born May 23rd, 2016 weighing in at 7lbs 3oz of adorable. She enjoys water, giving extra drooly kisses, and relaxing jaunts in her LennyLamb. She had her first Harry Potter marathon at five-days-old, and is now a crawling machine. Especially in the direction of Daddy’s computer.

We share our home with aforementioned Daddy; a video gaming, disc golf playing, LCS-watching(#TSMwin) man whose looks make people think Mommy robbed the cradle. Seriously. I legit thought he was about twelve when I first met him. He was nineteen. We also coexist with two cats and two ferrets; all named after League of Legends champions.

So, yeah, that’s us in a nutshell. I’m excited to share my little piece of this crazy thing we call mom life with you.

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